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Burial Benefits

Image of flag presentation at veteran's funeral service

Who qualifies?


Burial benefits are offered by the Federal Government, through the Department of Veteran Affairs' National Cemetry Administration and are earned by military service to our nation. To qualify veterans must have served some active duty other than as a reservist for training and were discharged under other than dishonorable conditions. A spouse or minor child of a veteran, or an unmarried adult dependent child of a veteran may also be eligible for benefits.

How do I schedule a burial at a Michigan National Cemetery? 


Call 800.535.1117 and email the veteran's DD-214 and any additional discharge documents to or fax the documents to 866.900.6417.  



Where are the Michigan National Cemeteries located


Great Lakes National Cemetery

4200 Belford Road Holly, MI 48442

Phone: 248.328.0386

Fax: 248.328.0612

Cemetery Map


Fort Custer National Cemetery

15501 Dickman Road Augusta, MI 49012

Phone: 269.731.4164

Fax: 269.731.2428

Cemetery Map


Lakeside Cemetery Soldiers' Lot 

3663 10th Avenue Port Huron, MI 48060

Phone: 810.987.6000

Fax: 810.982.7872

Cemetery Map

*closed to new burials


Fort Mackinac Post Cemetery

Mackinac State Park Mackinac Island, MI 49757

Phone: 248.328.0386

Fax: 248.328.0612

Cemetery Map

*closed to new burials


Are there benefits for veteran burials at private cemeteries?


Yes. Funeral home directors can usually arrange for veteran burial benefits by request. These benefits include: a VA provided headstone or marker for a veteran buried in a private cemetery, a burial flag to drape on the veteran's casket or urn during the funeral, Military Funeral Honors for the veteran (i.e. burial flag folding presentation, "Taps" played on bugle or by recording), and a Presidential Memorial Certificate honoring the veteran. Some families may also be eligible for limited burial cost reimbursement. 


Can I have memorial contributions made to VETLIFE in lieu of flowers to honor a veteran? 


Yes. Please inform your funeral director that you would like to list VETLIFE as your family's charity and they will list it in the obituary. Memorial contributions can be made in your loved one's name by visiting:

Those who make a donation may also download a custom donor memorial card to include in a sympathy card to the family stating that a donation was made in their loved one's honor. 


I have additional questions regarding veteran burial benefits. 


If you need additional assistance regarding burial benefits for a veteran please try the following resources.


  • Locate a county veteran affairs office and schedule an appointment with a Veterans Service Officer (VSO) in your area. 

  • Download the Burial Benefits Guide published by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. 

  • Speak to your preferred funeral home director regarding veteran burial benefits or contact one of our trusted partners below:​

Borek Jennings Funeral Homes  

Contact: Kevin Mondloch, Director of Education & Community Engagement​


Phone: 517.301.5009

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